Direct triceps work is important. The triceps is the biggest muscle on your upper arm and plays a major role in any pressing movement as well as aesthetics. Often people don’t train or don’t know how to really effectively target the triceps. Especially when it comes to using resistance bands for workouts there are a lot of question marks. In this article we will discover how easy it is to build great triceps with the help of resistance bands.
First we will dive into and show you how a great workout for triceps looks like. Including repetitions, sets and exercise selection. In the following section you will find a step-by-step guide to our most favorite and most effective triceps exercises. Finally, we explain how effective training your triceps with resistance bands is, as well as have an in depth look on the anatomy of the triceps.
Triceps Workout
Further down you will find our selection of 6 triceps exercises, which are time proven to be the most effective variations to isolate the triceps and bring the best results.
Compound vs. Isolation:
You have 3 main pushing muscles in your upper body. Chest and shoulder muscles are the biggest and can produce the most force. The triceps is the third pushing muscle – it is also the weakest. But it is involved in any pressing movement and plays a huge role. Since you can move much greater load in compound exercises – compound exercises should be the base of your triceps training. You will build the most strength and mass with compound pressing movements and not with isolation exercises.
The isolation exercises are basically the icing on the cake. In this article you will find a great isolation routine for your triceps.
Workout App
A full workout program with structured compound and isolation exercises for triceps as well as your whole body you can find in our workout app. You will have a full guided training program which you can customize depending on your fitness goals.
Check out what you can expect right here: BIQ Workout App
In the Workout app included is a searchable collection of all exercises you can do with resistance bands. For each exercise there is a how-to video as well as a step-by-step explanation.
Triceps Workout Routine:
A simple and quick triceps workout you can try right away:
- Pick 3 exercises from the selection below.
- For each exercise you will perform 3 Sets.
- For best results use the rep scheme: 20-10-10
- Rest 60-90 sec between sets
Rep Scheme:
- Set: Complete 20 clean, slow and controlled reps with a moderate resistance.
- Set: Increase the resistance to the level that you can do 10 reps and no more.
- Set: Same as Set 2 – 10 reps – Give it your all!
Time under Tension (TUT):
To get the most out of a set you need to take the total time under tension into consideration. The best results you will reap when your total set time is at least 30 seconds. You can go as high as a minute or even higher. To reach that TUT each of your reps has to have a duration of about 4 seconds.
To get there try this method:
- 1 sec. concentric part of the rep – extending the arm
- ½ – 1 sec. of an isometric hold in the fully contracted phase (fully extended position)
- 2 sec. of eccentric movement – bending the arm
What Equipment Do You Need?
To have a great and fun workout you will need equipment which you can rely on. The following 3 things are essential to work out effectively with resistance bands.
Resistance Band Set – Getting a set of resistance bands from the get-go is the biggest favor you can do for yourself. This way you will have the right resistance band for every exercise, and you will be able to progress more effectively. If you still don’t have a set, you can grab one right here: Resistance Band Set
Door Anchor – There are plenty of exercises you can do by using only a resistance band and your body. But we highly recommend getting a door anchor. It is dirt cheap, and it will enable you to perform a lot of additional exercises. Simply get one and thank us later: Door Anchor
Workout Gloves – Ok to be honest gloves are not a must. BUT! You will get them eventually anyway – we promise you. It’s just so much comfortable to use resistance bands with gloves. Why? Because they will eliminate the friction between the band and your skin. We also recommend getting full-finger workout gloves like these: Workout Gloves
The Best Triceps Exercises To Do With Resistance Bands
#1 – Triceps Overhead Extension (Low Anchor)
Focus: Long Head
Band: Medium to Heavy
My favorite for triceps work. With this set up you will feel the most stretch in your triceps, and you will target the long head of the triceps full on. You can either use a door anchor to fix the band in place or step on the band. I really like the door anchor version because I can adjust the resistance in the middle of a set by simply taking a step forward or back.
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Attach the resistance band to an anchor point at floor level (or step on the band with both of your feet)
- Bring the band over your head
- Brace your core and lock the elbows in place next to your head
- Extend your arms but don’t let your elbows move
- Hold for about 1 second and then slowly return your hands to the starting position
- Repeat for reps
Get all in depth information about this exercise in the full article: Triceps Overhead Extension
#2 – Triceps Overhead Extension (High Anchor)
Focus: Long Head
Band: Medium
The high anchor point makes getting into the starting position of the exercise easier. You will also be targeting the long head of the triceps. The stretch in the triceps is slightly less compared to the version with the low anchor point.
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Attach the resistance band to an anchor point at head level
- Grab the band with both hands and bring the band over your head
- Step forward until the band is stretched, and you feel a force pulling you backwards
- Brace your core and lock the elbows in place next to your head
- Extend your arms but don’t let your elbows move
- Hold for about 1 second and then slowly return your hands to the starting position
- Repeat for reps
Full article: Triceps Overhead Extension
The BIQ App
Take training with resistance bands to the next level with our free app.
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#3 – Triceps Pushdown
Focus: Lateral and Medial Head
Band: Medium
The triceps pushdown is great to target the lateral and medial heads of the triceps. It is very important not let your shoulders round forward. This will bring the chest muscles into the exercise and take the focus from the triceps.
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Attach the band at or above your head level
- Grab the band with both hands and bring the elbows to the side of your body (make sure that you have no slack here)
- Brace your core and lock the elbows in place next to your body
- Move your hands down while keeping the elbows in place
- Hold for about 1 second and then slowly return your hands to the starting position
- Repeat for reps
Get the form 100% correctly by reading the full article on the Triceps Pushdown!
#4 – Triceps Kickbacks
Focus: Long Head
Band: Light
Make sure to use a really light band for this exercise.
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Step with both feet on the band
- Bend over until your upper body is almost parallel to the ground
- Bring your elbows up, so that your upper arms are aligned with your upper body
- Brace your core and lock the elbows in place
- Move your hands backwards until you lock your elbows
- Hold for about 1 second and then slowly return your hands to the starting position
- Repeat for reps
There are some Dos and Don’ts you should keep in mind while doing triceps kickbacks – check them out here: Triceps Kickback.
#5 – Concentration Unilateral Pushdown
Focus: Lateral and Medial Head
Band: Light
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Attach the band to a high anchor point
- Grab the band with one hand and get on your knees
- Press your elbow against your thigh
- Brace your core and keep pressing your elbow against the thigh throughout the exercise
- Extend your arm
- Hold for about 1 second and then slowly return your hand to the starting position
- Repeat for reps
#6 – Push-Ups (Close Hand Position)
Focus: All Heads
Band: Medium to Heavy
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Grab the band with both hands, bring it over your head and rest it on your upper back
- In the starting position (top) place your hands underneath you shoulders or narrower
- Lower your body by bending your elbows
- Stay in the bottom position for 1 count and then explode back up
- Repeat for reps
The push-up is a great compound exercise for your chest, shoulders and triceps. So basically for all pushing muscles in your upper body. The great thing about push ups is that you can modify the hands position to really target your triceps. Simply place your hands right underneath your shoulders or even closer to each other. This will make the push-up a triceps dominant exercise.
Can You Train Your Triceps Effectively With Resistance Bands?
For your muscles it doesn’t matter what kind of resistance you use. The only thing our muscles understand is there an outside load which I have to move. When it comes to training with weights, this load is created by the combination of the weight and gravity. In resistance bands the load is created by the elastic characteristic of the band. So as long there is resistance, and you use this resistance to work your muscles, you will make progress and become better.
Conclusion: Yes! I would even argue that you should completely switch to resistance bands when it comes to working your triceps!
To get a deeper understanding of effectivity of resistance band training – check out this article: Why Does Training With Resistance Bands Work
Benefits of Training With Resistance Bands:
Working out with resistance bands is highly effective when it comes to fitness goals, but there are even more advantages – some are:
- No Cheating! Resistance bands prevent using bad form and momentum, due to their linear variable resistance. This will make sure that you really work the intended muscles instead of cheating your way through an exercise.
- Joint Friendly! Free weights are often quite rough on the joints. Especially when first starting out. Band on the other hand are great for joints and actually increase joint health!
- Mobile! Small, handy and light. You can work out anywhere and safe time by not having to got to the gym. And the gym fees!
- Universal! Bands can be used to build muscle, burn fat, increase mobility and flexibility as well as add strength.
To really expand your knowledge on benefits of resistance band training, check out our full article on this topic: Benefits Of Resistance Band Training
What Muscles Form The Triceps?
Like the name suggests – TRIceps – the triceps consists out of 3 individual heads. Together these 3 heads form the Triceps Brachii. The main function of the triceps is the extension of your arm. It is the counter player to the biceps, which is responsible for bending your arm. The long head of the triceps also has an extra function which is the adduction of the arm (moving it backwards) in an extended arm position.
Long Head – This is the biggest head of the triceps and is the greatest contributor to the overall mass of your arms. It is located towards the back of your arm.
Lateral Head – The lateral head is smaller than the long head, but this is the muscles us see from the side when flexing your triceps.
Medial Head – The medial head is the least visible. But it plays a great role in overall strength and stability of your triceps.