Core workouts are probably the most neglected routines out there. It is so easy to overlook because you won’t see much difference in the mirror when training your core. But your core muscles are the foundation for athleticism, fitness in general or simply a healthy and functional body. In this article we will show you how to reach that!
We will start by showing you how a good core workout is structured including the set and rep ranges to do. Followed by the selection of our most favorite core exercises. In the end you will find additional background information about the core muscles and training with resistance bands.
Core Workout
There are hundreds of core exercises out there, and it is very easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer selection. We don’t want you to feel this way. That’s why we only selected 4 exercises and structured an easy routine you can follow and make progress. Let’s be honest simple is better than fancy. After we discussed the basic core workout routine you will find a detailed description for each exercise – Including the finish and start position as well as a step-by-step guide.
Remember that you can do each of the exercises in this article with resistance bands and also with body weight only. If you’re just starting out, first use your body weight only and progress by incorporating resistance bands into your core workout.
A simple, effective and quick core workout goes as follows:
- Perform the 4 exercises back to back without a break
- Do 25 reps per exercise
- After completing one round rest for 90 sec
- Repeat after resting – aim for 3-5 rounds
Time under Tension (TUT):
Instead of increasing the reps you do for each exercise it is better to actually slow down your reps and have a longer time under tension. So if the workout is getting too easy you have 2 option:
- Slow down your reps
- Increase the resistance by using a stronger resistance band
Workout App
A core workout routine is not a full workout program for your whole body. To get a structured and effective workout routine you can follow on a daily basis – check out our workout app. What you can expect of the app? Check out the details right here: BIQ Workout App
In the Workout app included is a searchable collection of all exercises you can do with resistance bands. For each exercise there is a how-to video as well as a step-by-step explanation.
The Best Core Exercises To Do With Resistance Bands
#1 – Kneeling Crunches
Focus: Rectus Abdominis
Band: Medium to Heavy
The basic crunch can be performed lying down, standing and kneeling. The kneeling version is our most favorite variation. With this exercise you will be targeting your abs mostly, and you will be able to move the most resistance with this variation. If you just want to use your body weight as resistance: do the lying down version.
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Attach the band behind you at an anchor point above you
- Grab the band with your hands in a way that it is already stretched in the starting position
- Place your hands on your shoulders to make sure your arms don’t help during the crunch
- Move your shoulders towards your belly button until you are in full crunch
- Hold for 1 second and return to the starting position
- Repeat for reps
To learn more about crunches and how to do this exercise 100% correctly as well as additional variations, check out the full article: Crunches With Resistance Bands
#2 – Reverse Crunches
Focus: Rectus Abdominis
Band: Light to Medium
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Attach the band to an anchor point – floor level
- Wrap the band around your feet
- Lie down on the floor and bend your legs 90-degrees (knees and hips)
- Bring your knees towards your shoulders – Lift your butt slightly off the ground to get a better contraction in your abs
- Hold for 1 second and return to the starting position
- Repeat for reps
#3 – Wood Chops
Focus: Obliques and Transverse Abdominis
Band: Medium
The wood chops are perfect to target the obliques – basically the side muscles of our core. Shown in the pictures is the version where you pull from high to low. You can also try to reverse it and attach the band at floor level and pull from low to high. Make sure to train both sides!
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Attach the resistance band at the height above you
- Step away and turn 90 degree – so your shoulder is pointing towards the anchor point
- Get a wider stance with your feet for stability – Bend your knees slightly
- Extend your arms
- Rotate your body and bring your hands to the opposite side of your body (Make sure that your arms are aligned with the band throughout the movement)
- Repeat for reps (Don’t forget the other side)
#4 – Glute Raises
Focus: Spinal Erectors (and Glutes)
Band: Light to Medium
With glute raises we will target the posterior part of the core muscles. The main player are the spinal erectors. But also the glute muscles play a part as counter player to the abs.
Step-By-Step How-To:
- Lay down on your back on the floor
- Place the resistance band on your hip and fix it with your arms at the side of your body on the floor or put it underneath your feet
- Bend your knees and place your feet half a foot away from your butt
- Now lift your hips until your upper body and your thighs form a straight line
- Hold this position for a second
- Lower your butt until it touches the ground
- Repeat for reps
To learn more about glute raises and how to do this exercise 100% correctly as well as additional variations, check out the full article: Glute Raises With Resistance Bands
Can You Train Your Core Effectively With Resistance Bands?
You can train your core even without bands! Resistance bands are a great tool to get your core work to the next level and get a bulletproof core! Especially compared to free weights and machines you find in gyms bands are way superior when it comes to core work. For a great core workout you need to work several planes. Machines and gravity are a not flexible in this case. Bands also add a little of instability the exercises which is great to make progress in your core training!
Conclusion: Yes! You can very much train your core effectively with resistance bands.
To get in depth information about this topic check out our full article: Why Does Training With Resistance Bands Work
Benefits of Training With Resistance Bands:
Not only is working out with resistance bands effective it has also other benefits!
- Follow the natural strength curve of your muscle! The resistance of a band will always increase the more you stretch it and that’s also the natural strength curve of our muscles, having the most power in the full contraction.
- Joint Friendly! Resistance bands are easier on the joints compared to weights. This will reduce the chance of injury.
- Home Workout! Small, handy and light. You can work out anywhere and safe time by not having to got to the gym. And the gym fees!
- Universal! Can be used to build muscle, burn fat, increase mobility and flexibility as well as add strength.
You want to find out what other advantages bands have over weights and machines? Check out our full article on this topic: Benefits Of Resistance Band Training
What Muscles Form The Core?
The core muscles form together a belt around your torso. To produce force on the outside world we need to have a stable base in our body. The core is the foundation to this stability. Most of the time the core works isometrically to keep you stable and responsive. The main player of the core are the following 4 muscles:
Rectus Abdominis – Basically the six-pack muscles. Its function is to bend your upper body forward or bring your legs up when your upper body is fixed.
Obliques – Whenever you do a rotation of your upper body or lower body the obliques are heavily involved.
Transverse Abdominis – These muscles are often not appreciated enough. They play a key role when it comes to stability while holding a position isometrically or in dynamic movements.
Spinal Erectors – The direct counter player of the abs on the front of our body. The spinal erectors form the lower back. Often not trained enough, so there is a disbalance where the abs are way stronger than the back of the core. This results in a bad posture.